Hope. Inspiration. Recovery. Renewal. Spirituality. Serenity. Healing. Divine purpose. Healthy detachment.
🜁 (aer) | β™’οΈŽ (Aquarius) | Multiplication (Compound; Multiplied to infinity)
Like a beacon flickering across dark water, The Star bids for us to keep hope alive, even when all seems lost.

Picture your goal. Imagine your dreams manifesting. Be your own parent. Hold yourself. Take time to soothe your tender heart.

When in all the wide universe there was only chaos, Nyx, All-Mother Night, looked upon Darkness and saw fit to fill it with the light of creation, thus birthing her own reality.

Dearest, the universe isn’t obligated to serve you silver linings on silver platters. Your joy is yours to seek out alone. Make a wish!

2020 | 7”x12” | Mixed-media:
Prismacolor Verithin red/blue colored pencil, Derwent Inktense pencils, black ink, white charcoal, and water brush on cold press watercolor paper.